Giving back to the community
The Asian Indian Community Foundation of Western New York is a charitable foundation involved in activities and projects focused on literacy, child and family welfare, and women’s issues in India and the United States
A history of service

The Asian Indian Community Foundation of Western New York was formed in 2001 as a registered 501(c)(3) organization that is governed by public charitable foundation rules and regulations in the state of New York.

The Asian Indian Community Foundation of Western New York began as an ad-hoc group of individuals, who worked together on a series of projects such as Kargil, Orissa Cyclone Relief, Gujrat Earthquake Relief, and the 9/11 disaster.
Ongoing support

The Asian Indian Community Foundation of Western New York has sought to give back to their communities in Western New York and in India. We provide ongoing assistance with hunger and literacy efforts, education enhancements, child and family welfare, and other long-term socio-economic projects.

The Asian Indian Community Foundation of Western New York participates regularly in the Buffalo City Mission lunch sponsorship program, the WNED Public TV pledge drives, and the Adopt-a-Highway program. We have also established relationships with trustworthy organizations in India.
Looking to the future

The Asian Indian Community Foundation of Western New York applies stringent guidelines for the assessment of both the organizations and the individuals responsible for project execution, and fund agencies whose performance can be assured.